His Partner Demands $2,000 to Secure Legal Representation for Custody Battle

On their first date, this 27-year-old man was surprised when his 25-year-old date arrived with her child in tow.

He reflects that, looking back, this should have been a major warning sign, prompting him to escape the situation. Instead, he did the exact opposite.

He began his relationship with his girlfriend just two months ago, having known her for approximately 10 weeks.

Three weeks ago, his girlfriend received documents indicating that her former partner had filed for full custody of their 17-month-old child.

His girlfriend and her former partner were together for about a year, including the period when she was expecting a child, but they never married.

When his girlfriend’s child reached nine months old, her former partner essentially abandoned the baby.

For the person who lives 14 hours away this is some food for thought because his girlfriend’s ex is now seeking for full custody of their child and he finds this quite interesting. Though his girlfriend says bad things about her ex he is not sure if they are true or not.

The most astonishing aspect of this story is that his girlfriend is insisting he cover the $2,000 in legal fees required for her to pursue custody.

His girlfriend works as a server with a modest income, while he earns six figures annually. She is aware of this disparity.

His girlfriend frequently faces financial strain, often leading her to exceed her bank account limits by several hundred dollars.

“Isn’t this insane?” he thought. “I’m really into this girl, but this is a major red flag. I just left her place, and she barely spoke to me. She gave me the cold shoulder throughout my visit and didn’t even say goodbye when I left.”

Once I got home, I informed her as usual. She responded with a lengthy message expressing her disappointment and questioning whether I truly value her child.



I’m feeling torn—part of me thinks I should just walk away, but I also feel a strong sense of guilt because a child is involved. While I have the resources to assist, I’m unsure if it’s my role to step in at this early stage of the relationship. I’m really struggling with this decision. Any thoughts or advice?

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