Anger Erupts After Man Rehomes Wife’s Dog Following Her Affair

Anger Erupts After Man Rehomes Wife's Dog Following Her Affair

After discovering that his wife had been unfaithful, the man faced the additional challenge of her leaving him for her affair partner. Although they have no children together, she left her dog behind when she moved out, placing an unexpected burden on him.

After his wife departed, he collected all her possessions and requested that she come to retrieve her dog.

His wife arrived at his doorstep with her new boyfriend, gathered all of her belongings except for her dog.

“She mentioned that her boyfriend had a dog allergy, which prevented her from bringing him along. I suggested she could either take him to her parents’ home or to a friend’s place.”

“She promised to make arrangements and return, but she never did. Despite my repeated attempts to reach out exclusively regarding the dog, she eventually blocked me.”

I looked after him until his food supplies dwindled. I decided not to spend any more money on his care, so I passed him on to an acquaintance of a friend.

Recently, one of this individual’s dogs passed away. They were well-acquainted with the same breed as the dog belonging to his wife. To see if his wife’s dog would get along with his new pet, he arranged a meeting at a local dog park.

The dogs were visibly excited to reunite, leading to the official transfer of the puppy to the new owner.

Two months ago, something unexpected happened: his wife recently unblocked him to let him know she hasn’t yet found a suitable home for their dog.

She requested that he continue caring for her dog, but he truthfully admitted that he had already found a new home for the pet.

His wife was extremely upset and insisted that he provide the contact information of the individual to whom he had given the dog.

He chose not to act, leading his wife to threaten legal action. He responded by encouraging her to proceed with the lawsuit. Now, others in their circle are weighing in, with some criticizing his wife for allegedly neglecting her pet.


Anger Erupts After Man Rehomes Wife's Dog Following Her Affair


Some individuals consider him inconsiderate for rehoming the dog without his wife’s consent.

He concluded that blocking me meant she forfeited all claims to him.

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