After His Girlfriend Kiss Her Child’s Father, He No Longer Wants Her Visiting His House.

His Girlfriend Kissed Her Child's Father

A 25-year-old man has been dating his 26-year-old girlfriend , who has a child from a previous relationship, for about five months.

Following a recent argument with his girlfriend, he discovered that she had visited her child’s father and spent time with him while her child was present. Unfortunately, this led to her cheating on him by kissing her ex.

Upon discovering the infidelity, he confronted his girlfriend without hesitation. Her sincere apologies led him to give their relationship another chance.

“After we reconciled, I explained that we needed to establish stricter boundaries in her co-parenting relationship, as my trust had been compromised,” he shared.

“She agreed and promised to prove it to me.”

A few days later, coincidentally, it was the birthday of his girlfriend’s child. Initially, they all gathered to celebrate at her home.

However, her boyfriend’s mother ended up upsetting her, and after being put in a bad mood, she expressed that she wanted to spend the next day alone with her child.

To his surprise, his girlfriend didn’t spend any quality time with her child as he had expected. Instead, she eventually informed him that she would be dropping her child off at her ex-partner’s house.

Considering that she recently rekindled a relationship with her ex, he was understandably concerned.

He inquired whether she intended to remain involved with her ex and their child. He also confessed that he felt uneasy about her spending time with her ex at the moment.

His girlfriend didn’t quite empathize with his worries. Instead, she simply dismissed him with a curt, “Bro, bye!” She then assured him that she had no intention of “doing him dirty” or causing him any more pain.

Conversely, he decided against taking that chance and told his girlfriend, ‘No way.’

“I had placed my trust in you before, and the memory of that situation is still vivid. It would mean a lot to me if you chose not to stay in that place,” he said to her.

Despite his comments, his girlfriend went into her ex’s house and remained there for an hour. Later, she sent him a text updating him on their child opening birthday presents.

“An hour later, she informed me that she was leaving,” he recounted.


His Girlfriend Kissed Her Child's Father



Yet, the situation continues to bother him. He can’t help but question whether it’s truly unreasonable to not want his girlfriend to visit her ex’s house, especially after she cheated on him just days ago.

Is he trying to establish a clear boundary after the cheating incident? How would you react if your partner ignored your emotions in a similar situation?

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